My faith

I'm a Mormon.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Family Night Monday

Here is the family night lesson for this week:
Family Home Evening Outline

Opening Song: Let us oft speak kind words
Opening Prayer:

1. Family Gratitude Journal (Every week we begin by writing something that each person is grateful for)
2. Lesson: “Let us oft speak kind words to each other”
Opening: What kind of words should we say to each other? (List words)
Talk about using kind words, giving compliments,
*While the little ones draw on the word list, Read “Tongue of Angels” by Elder Holland
*Each person make a goal of how we can speak more kindly
*Heart Chart. This is a chart that Says "Let us oft speak kind words to eachother and has heart all around it. Throughout the week, whenever anyone says a kind word or speaks in a kind tone, they get to fill in a heart. The goal is to have all the hearts filled in by next week. (Let me know if you want me to email the one I made to print out, I'd be glad to

3. *Family Cultural Activity: Classical music (Dad chooses), and play instruments or sing together.

Closing Song: Love is Spoken Here

Closing Prayer:
*Every week we try to have a cultural experiences: art, good music, poetry, literature, etc. It's a lot of fun!


Jewls said...

Ooo, you should email it to me! Lance is working mornings now so we can finally have normal FHE again!

Melanie said...

Thank you so so much for these ideas! Matt still can't make it home for FHE but I want to be better at regularly having FHE anyway. This is great! Thanks so much!