My mom has 9 kids. She gave birth to eight of them with no intervention or pain medication. Need I go on?
Although your jaw is probably gaping in awe, you may not quite understand the implications of my mom's decisions. She always put her kids first. We were always her priority. She went years wearing the same old shoes and jeans because it there was not enough money for her to buy new clothes. And she never once complained. Who knows how many sleepless nights she endured? (And still does endure! I'm the 2nd of the 9, so she still has 5 kids at home ranging from 9 to 19!) My mom taught me that motherhood requires sacrifice. But she also taught me to take time for myself. I remember my mom spent hours a week reading good books. And she went back to college when I was in high school to get her Elementary Education degree. She now teaches 6th grade, has 6 grandchildren, and serves her family and the young women at church. What an awesome woman! I love you mom!
What a sweet post! Your mom sounds like an admirable woman and mom!
Thanks for taking part in Rehab, also LOVE your quietbooks!
My mom did so many of these things too, I never understood why she wore the same old clothes... but I do now- and I love her all the more for it! Great post!
Indeed she is a Super Mom. Thanks for sharing your story.
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