My faith

I'm a Mormon.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Things we do.

I adore Pinterest. What a great way to find and organize ideas! The big problem, however, is actually accomplishing any of these ideas. Starting this week, my almost-four-year-old looked at Pinterest together in order to find 5 activities we could do together. I'm finally feeling like a normal human being since baby #3 was born, and we also have a computer now (YAY!), so although I'm not making any promises to myself, I want to blog about the things we do, at least so I can add them to Pinterest.

One activity we chose was to make butterflies with toilet paper rolls. Ours turned out really cute, using some old scrapbook paper, googly eyes, and foam stickers cut to make a nose and mouth.

(I had to add this picture of my preschooler, in her princess attire, with her pouty face. She has been so pouty today!)

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